一:新产品最好有针对性的发给不同客户的市场。 二:特色卖点也要结合客户当地市场的喜好,特色卖点一般不超过4个,以3个为最佳,罗列太多的话卖点就相当于没有重点突出,也会让客户感觉产品的真实性。 三:最好附上图文并茂的图片,让客户更加直观的了解; 四:如果产品款式很多,可以做成彩页以附件的形式发送,多角度的展示产品。 Dear XXX Good day We are happy to share you our New hot seling XXX(新品名称)and XXX(新品名称) in UK(产品畅销国家) which are wonderful for +(产品的好处), As we know ,more and more.... +(结合你自己产品,说明产品现在的趋势,比如越来越受欢迎等), So we are wondering if this kind XXX(产品名称)will be a good market in USA soon. (新产品作为一种市场信息分享给客户) Competitive advantage 1) 2) 3) Date sheet--(产品参数) XXXXXXXX Any interested, free sample & price will be sent for evaluation. Thanks and best regards, Yukie
Today I would like introduce one of our newest design product to you,which can totally meet standards of XXX market(客户市场), here are the main features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Customizing logo on products and packaging are accepted,any interests to learn the price and get the limited samples to show to your customers?