
时间过得好快 又是一个教师节英文老师常常挂在嘴边的那些话~以下这些话,有木有唤起小伙伴们的回忆呢?

1. Any questions?还有什么问题吗?

2. Quiet, please!请大家安静下来!

3. Please turn to Page 11.请大家翻到第11页。

4. I am afraid you are wrong.很遗憾,你答错了。

5. You've mispronounced the word.你这个词的发音读错了。

6. You were spacing out just now.你刚才开小差了哦。

7. Pay attention to your handwriting.请注意一下你的书写。

8. Don't be shy, just speak it out.不要害羞,尽管大声说出来。

9. Please think it over.请大家再仔细想一想。

10. Time is up. Have a nice day!下课了。祝大家过得愉快!
2015-09-10 475阅读
1. Any questions? - Do you have any further questions?
2. Quiet, please! - Can everyone please be quiet?
3. Please turn to Page 11. - Please turn to page eleven.
4. I am afraid you are wrong. - Unfortunately, your answer is incorrect.
5. You've mispronounced the word. - You mispronounced the word.
6. You were spacing out just now. - You were not focused just now.
7. Pay attention to your handwriting. - Please pay attention to your handwriting.
8. Don't be shy, just speak it out. - Don't be shy, vocalize your thoughts.
9. Please think it over. - Please give it some more thought.
10. Time is up. Have a nice day! - Class is over. Have a good day!