03Customer, client, buyer高盛不会称呼客户为customer,因为customer是一手交钱一手交货的意思(顾客),太浅薄,所以他们都称客户为client(客户)。我们很多人会喜欢称buyer。Partner sounds better than buyer in relationship.04maybe, sometimes太多人喜欢在说英语的时候加上maybe,这样把原本肯定的话变成了不确定,让对方对你不够有信心。


Mistakes in communicating trust



“Just one minute.”

展会上,潜在客户对你的approach说:-Sorry, I am too busy。-It won’t take long,-How long will it take?-Just one minute.Be serous about what you say!买家认为:one lie, there will be another. 你可以这样说:Actually, I am not sure how long it will take. But I will try to make it short and brief.信任来自点点滴滴。


“No problem.”

-Do you accept 500 pcs?

-No problem.

Everybody says “No problem.”

如果你真的可以接受小订单,要加上案例。如: Yes, we accept small volume. A company from UK just ordered 400 PCS last month from us.

如果不能接受,可以这样说:Usually, we don’t accept small volume less than 1000 pcs. But maybe we can help you.紧接着问一些引导性的问题,更好地了解对方的需求。

总之,be serious about what you say.说话一定要负责,不要信口开河。

Chinese sales are bad in communicating trust。中国人不是不会沟通,而是不会在沟通中获得信任。


Customer, client, buyer

我们很多人会喜欢称buyer。实际上可以用partner,这样听起来双方的关系更密切,而不是简单的买卖关系。Partner sounds better than buyer in relationship.


maybe, sometimes



new technology

很多人在推销的时候,喜欢说自己的产品有新技术。Be careful about “New technology”,因为:

-China is not famous for having “new technology。新技术更多的是在国外;


-如果没有真正意义上的新技术,但是有自己的特别之处,可以这么说:”We have people that are developing new technology.”然后说你的研发团队的情况。

Sales Communication 销售沟通

01 销售陈述的时候 Sales presentation key points

-注意Big to small。先说big idea,然后small idea。语言要有逻辑。

-注意互动(interact with your prospects),防止自我陶醉式的hot selling。随时注意对方的表情(是否疑惑confused?是否理解understand?是否感兴趣interested?)。开始可以说:If I am too fast, please let me know; if there is anything you don’t understand, please tell me.

-让客户坐下(get them seated!)坐下来很重要,坐下来表示对方愿意给你一个详细介绍的机会。所以不要干站着干巴巴地说话,可以拍拍对方的胳膊:Would you like to sit down? 顺势让对方坐下( physical connection)。

-Do it in a casual way.中国人是出了名的poor speaker,一讲话,尤其是跟外国人讲话,就会全身僵硬。人都喜欢互动,喜欢轻松,所以交谈的时候,放松点,说些好玩的事情,也可以让对方放松下来。

02 Make people feel important.

03 Ask leading questions 有意识地通过语言交流,用引导性问题引导客户。

04 Price explanation 如何解释价格

Give small stories, refer to your successful experiences. Make it more than just words. But, make sure it is a short story.说明你的价格,最好用案例来说明。记住:简短,no long story.

05 What to say when approaching a prospect.

-Who you are? 说你是干什么的-What makes you special? 你的公司特点在哪里?-Always refer to what the customers want.你说的话永远是对方关心的,而不是仅仅是你自己认为重要的。

06 The secret of sales is communication.


原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/30124


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