
接机meeting at the airport1.excuse me, sir. are you mr. white from new york? 对不起,先生。您是从纽约来的怀特先生吗?2. i'm liu mei, from guangzhou textile import & export corporation. i've come to meet you. 我是广州纺织品进出口公司的刘梅,我是来接您的。3. welcome to guangzhou, mr. white. our manager will come to greet you later at the hotel. 怀特先生,欢迎来到广州。我们的经理稍后会来酒店问候您。4. did you he a pleasant trip? 旅途愉快吗?5. yes, i enjoyed it very much. 是的,旅途非常愉快。6. anyhow, it's a long way to china, isn't it? i think you must be very tired.不管怎样,远道来到中国,不是吗?我想您一定很累了。 7. but i'll be all right by tomorrow and ready for business. 不过,我明天就会好的,也会准备好谈生意。8. do you know where the baggage claim area is? 您知道行李认领处在哪儿吗?9. how many pieces of luggage do you he? 您有几件行李?10. i wish you a pleasant stay here. 祝您在这儿过得愉快。11. thank you for meeting me at the airport. 谢谢您到机场来接我。12. if all is ready, we'd better start for the hotel. 如果一切都准备好了,我们最好动身去宾馆吧。在海关at the customs 1..please bring your luggage here for inspection. 请把您的行李拿到这里检查。2. on what status are you treling? 请问您是以什么身份进行这次旅游的?3. i am a general manager and i'm invited to attend the trade fair here. 我是一家公司的总经理,应邀前来参加商品交易会的。4. how long will you stay in china? 您将在中国停留多长时间?5. will you show me your declaration form, please? 请出示您的报关单。6. he you anything to declare? 您有物品需要报关的吗?7. no. i he only personal effects. 没有。我只有随身物品。8. your briefcase is exempted from examination. will you open this suitcase, please? 您的包不用检查,请打这个手提箱。9. i he two cameras. one is for personal use and the other is intended to be a gift. 我有两台相机。一台自用,另外一台是作为礼物送人的。10. each passenger is allowed one camera duty-free. you'll he to pay duty for the other one. 每个旅客允许一台相机免税,所以另外一台要交税。11. be sure to put down its make, brand and serial number. 务必写清楚它的产地、品牌和编号。12. when did you get your last vaccination? show me your health certificate, please. 您最后一次预防注射是在什么时候?请出示您的健康证明。拜访客户call on a customer 1.i he an appointment with mr. smith at 3 o'clock. 我与史密斯先生三点钟有个约会。2. i'll show you to his office. please follow me. 我带您到他的公室去。请跟我来。3. excuse me, but is this the office of the textile corporation? 对不起,这是纺织公司的公室吗?4. welcome to our corporation. 欢迎到我们公司来。5. i'm here to discuss the possibility of establishing business relations with your company. 我来这里准备与你们商讨同贵公司建立贸易关系的事情。6. he you seen the exhibits displayed in the halls? 看到大厅里展出的产品了吗?7. i'm particularly interested in those brightly colored and beautifully designed silks. 我对那些色彩鲜艳、设计美观的丝绸特别感兴趣。8. silks are one of china's traditional exports and they are usually well received abroad. 丝绸是中国的传统出口产品之一,在国外很畅销。9. can you give me a price list with specifications? 您能否给我一份有规格说明的价目表呢?10. do you think we could order some right away? 我们能否马上就一些?11. if you make an inquiry, we can make you a firm offer. 如果您询价,我们可以报实盘。12. though it's always in a great demand, we can keep you regularly supplied as your company enjoys a high reputation in doing business. 尽管这种商品的需求量很大,但由于贵公司生意讲信誉,我们可以保证定期供货。接待来访者receiving visitors 1.what can i do for you? 有什么能为您效劳吗?2. i'd like to see your manager about the contract of washing machines. 我想见见你们的经理,谈有关洗衣机合同的事。3. here's my card. 这是我的名片。4. i he an appointment with mr. andrew at ten. 我和安德鲁先生约了10点钟见面。5. would you please wait a moment? 请您稍等一下,好吗?6. mr. andrew is talking with a client from japan. 安德鲁先生正在和一位日本的客户谈话。7. maybe he can meet you ten minutes later. 也许他10分钟以后可以见您。8. would you please he a cup of coffee in the reception room? 您在接待室喝杯咖啡,好吗?9. i've been expecting your call. 我一直在等您的电话。10. it's nice to make your acquaintance, mr. smith. 很高兴见到您,史密斯先生。11. i'm glad to he met you, mr. andrew. thank you for your time. 很高兴和您见面,安德鲁先生。谢谢你花了那么多时间。12. i'm looking forward to our next meeting. 我期待着我们下次的见面。制定日程making an agenda??1.i'm here to ask your opinion about the time schedule of the next five days. 我来这儿想征求一下您对以后五天日程安排的意见。2. i was wondering if it would suit you right now? 不知道眼下谈对您是否合适?3. i am wondering whether you like this plan. 我不知道您是否喜欢这个计划。4. what do you think<
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follow me. 我会带您去他的办公室,请跟我走。3. thank you. by the way, can you tell me something about mr. smith and his company? 谢谢。顺便问一下,您能告诉我一些关于史密斯先生和他的公司的情况吗?4. certainly. mr. smith is the ceo of abc company, which mainly deals in electronic products. 当然可以。史密斯先生是abc公司的CEO,该公司主要经营电子产品。5. have you he any business contact with them before? 您以前与他们有过业务联系吗?6. no, this is our first contact. 不,这是我们第一次联系。7. good luck to you! 祝您好运!8. thank you very much. 谢谢。交谈请客treat a guest 1. it's so nice of you to invite me for dinner. 您请我吃饭真是太好了。2. not at all, it's my pleasure. 不客气,我很高兴。3. what would you like to drink? 您想喝点什么?4. i'd like a glass of beer, please. 我要一杯啤酒。5. would you mind if i smoke here? 我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?6. sorry, i'd rather you didn't. 对不起,我希望你不要在这儿抽烟。7. by the way, how do you like chinese food? 顺便问一下,你喜欢中国菜吗?8. oh, i think it's delicious. i like it very much. 噢,我觉得它很美味。非常喜欢。9. do you often go to chinese restaurants in your own country? 你在自己的国家经常去中国餐馆吗?10. yes, there are many chinese restaurants and i like to go there. 是的,那里有很多中国餐馆,我喜欢去那里。11. would you like some more fish? 您还要一些鱼吗?12. no, thank you. i'm full. 不了,谢谢。我吃饱了。商务谈判negotiation 1. what are your main exporting products? 您主要出口哪些产品?2. our main exporting products are electronic products. 我们主要出口电子产品。3. what kind of electronic products? 什么样的电子产品?4. such as television sets, radios, tape recorders, and so on. 例如电视机、收音机、录音机等。5. do you think you can offer us the best prices? 您认为你们能给我们提供最好的价格吗?6. i think so. our prices are very competitive in the international market. 我觉得可以。我们的价格在国际市场上非常有竞争力。7. what are your payment terms? 您的付款条件是什么?8. our payment terms are usually by l/c at sight or t
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