    一旦掌握该秘籍,你将法力无穷 ; )如何才能写出一个让开发信点击率或转化率飙升的主题行?16个让人不可抗拒的标题方程式1. The How To Headlin 以“如何”开始How to [Achieve a Desired Outcome]How to Run Faster2. The Ultimate List Headlin 终极名单[Large Number] of Ways to [Achieve an Outcome]28 Ideas For Content Upgrades To Grow Your Email List3. The Ultimate Guide Headlin 终极指南The Ultimate Guide to [Achieve a Desired Outcome]The Ultimate Guide to Eating Healthy on a Budget4. The Fearmonger Headlin 恐惧者Warning!


    接下来,红板砖为你分享的不仅仅是一些例子,而是为你展示了一个高分主题行的方法或方程式。一旦掌握该秘籍,你将法力无穷 ; )





    1. The How To Headlin 以“如何”开始

    How to [Achieve a Desired Outcome]
    How to Run Faster

    2. The Ultimate List Headlin 终极名单

    [Large Number] of Ways to [Achieve an Outcome]
    28 Ideas For Content Upgrades To Grow Your Email List

    3. The Ultimate Guide Headlin 终极指南

    The Ultimate Guide to [Achieve a Desired Outcome]
    The Ultimate Guide to Eating Healthy on a Budget

    4. The Fearmonger Headlin 恐惧者

    Warning! Are You [Something Undesirable]?
    Warning! Are You Eating This Food That Could Kill You?

    5. The Rally Cry Headlin 示威呐喊

    Let’s Stop [A Call to Arms]
    Let’s Stop Eating This Poisonous Food!

    6. The Proven Methods Headlin 已被验证过的方法

    [Number] Proven [Actions/Ways] to [Achieve Desired Result]
    18 Proven Techniques to Build More Muscle in Less Time

    7. The Mistakes Headlin 指出错误

    [Number] Mistakes Most People Make When/With [Common Action]
    11 Mistakes Most People Make When Washing Their Hair

    8. The Secrets Headlin 揭示秘密

    [Number] Secrets to [Achieve Desired Outcome]
    7 Secrets to Becoming a Digital Nomad

    9. The Outrageous Headlin 令人发指

    Why [Outrageous/Controversial Claim]
    Why Canadians Are Actually Evil

    10. The Lessons Learned Headlin 经验教训

    [Number] Lessons I Learned When/From [Experience]
    7 Lessons I Learned Doubling Sumo’s Blog Traffic

    11. The Social Proof HeadlineThe 第三方证明

     [Object] Over [Social Proof] Use To [Desired Outcome]
    The Tool Over 283,000 Websites Use to Grow Their Traffic

    12. The Testimonial Headlin 好评/见证

    How [Company] Got [Result] In [Timeframe]
    How Shopify Store BlendJet Made $163,633.50 Sales In 30 Days

    13. The Objection Preemptive Headlin 先发制人的反对

    [No/Yes], You [Pre-Empt Objection] to [Achieve Desired Result]
    No, You Don’t Have to Count Calories to Lose Weight

    14. The Question Headlin 提问

    Are You [Provocative Question]?
    Are You Still Eating Dairy?

    15. The See What Happened Headlin 看看发生了什么

    [Person] Did [Unusual Action] [Timeframe].
    Here’s What HappenedI Did Yoga Every Day for 6 Months. Here’s What Happened

    16. The How/Result Headlin 如何+结果

    How [A Seemingly Inconsequential Action] Can Lead To [Undesirable Result]
    How Your Morning Coffee Can Lead to Heart Disease

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/26805


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    • YES TECH

      在开发客户的过程中 标题是很至关重要的 谢谢分享,受教了。

    • Rachel Lau



