    另外,在电子邮件或语音邮件中使用 “Haven’t heard from you”通常是有点不礼貌的。13个替代I Haven’t Heard From You的话术当你想给你的潜在客户提供一个礼貌而温和的暗示时,首先要做的是,在再次联系他们之前先等待5到10个工作日。


    Haven’t heard from you.

    I just left you a voicemail as a follow up to my message yesterday.

    I have been trying to reach you.

    I just wanted to make sure you got this email (copied below) from earlier and didn’t miss out.

    Hope you got my second voicemail.

    It’s been challenging to reach you.

    I’m sure you have lots going on. I have not heard back from you …


    另外,在电子邮件或语音邮件中使用 “Haven’t heard from you”通常是有点不礼貌的。

    13个替代I Haven’t Heard From You的话术



    但是,当你已经等待了适当的时间,同时你已经准备好再次联系,那么红板砖建议你尝试下面这些替代方案,而不是直接写”I haven’t heard from you”:

    Wanted to resurface this email …

    Following up to make sure this email didn’t get buried.

    I know your inbox is a busy place. I wanted to reach out in case my original message got lost.

    Bumping this up in your inbox …

    I know how busy you are, I hope it’s alright I’m moving this conversation to the top of your inbox.

    Please don’t feel guilty for not responding, I know how busy you are!

    Usually when I don’t hear back from someone, it means you’re just not interested in what I’m offering right now — and that’s O.K. …

    I know you’re busy, I’ll follow up in a few months to see if this is more of a priority for you.

    I’m sure your inbox is crazy. Would it be better if I gave you a call?

    Since this is time-sensitive, I thought I’d reach out again.

    Just want to follow up in case this email got buried.

    I understand you are busy. Please don’t feel guilty for not responding.

    I know how busy you are. I hope you don’t mind I’m putting this at the top of your inbox.


    原文链接: zllp.myyzksc/rsezirs_okgys?b?wa.lrwla.rd?.a?gr=dazrb?slaz?rwva/ro-y 转载请务必加上这个链接!

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/40971


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