

    通常情况下货物已到港cf r,用户公司也已经将货款完结,外贸企业也将提货单邮寄给了客户公司,但是客户公司却迟迟不去提货,遇到这种问题之后,必须第一时间发函和客户公司取得联系解决问题,原因就在于在货物运输到目的地港口之后,相关费用都是由发货方企业所承担的,例如保险以及港口货柜或是库房租赁费用等等。


    Mr. Andy:

    your order in our company is 1500 hinges, 1700 drawers sliders, 2300 handles, 150 doors, 1200 folding tracks and accessories, a1450 auxiliary accessories, which we have shipped and reached the destination port. The bill of lading has been mailed to you with feedback from the target port. You have not yet picked up the goods so far. We hope you will take delivery as soon as possible. The port authorities have sent us a letter, as only two days are due, if you do not pick up the goods, the corresponding container rental charges will be paid again, our company will bear the transportation costs and related insurance charges in accordance with the contract requirements. You must pick up the goods at the port at the specified time. If you do not pick up the goods after two days, we will not pay for them or the expenses of the aristocrats. We will choose to abandon the goods. We hope you will contact us as soon as possible. Renegotiate on this issue.




    该信函里重点强调了“You must pick up the goods at the port at the specified time. If you do not pick up the goods after two days, we will not pay for them or the expenses of the aristocrats. We will choose to abandon the goods. We hope you will contact us as soon as possible.”需注意,这是非常关键的,一些外贸企业抛不开面子,在信函中往往不会提及弃货相关事宜,这会让销售方非常被动,弃货受到最大影响的是客户企业而不是销售方,在函件中提及则能够有效提醒客户企业注意,避免出现其他争端,因此在信函通知中有必要提及这一点。


    Mr. Liang Li-hang

    is very sorry that we did not pick up the goods at the port at the first time. As the blizzard affected that the goods we had planned to ship out of the warehouse had not been shipped, there was no warehouse to store the goods, so we did not pick up the goods. We shall bear all the expenses caused by the overstocking of goods at the port. We hope that you will pay all the money after the portundefineds payment notice, and we will make the corresponding payment into your account thereafter.




    从如上信函沟通中可知,当遇到货物到港客户不提货问题时,一定要和对方沟通、了解情况,有一部分外贸企业由于货值低,因此在遇到客户方企业不提货时,首先想到的是弃货,虽然这样的做法能够有效降低销售方企业成本开支,也不必应对此后额外资金支出问题,但是无疑会丢掉客户群体,虽然货值低,对于销售方而言,在收到货款之后不会有任何影响或损失,但是客户方的利益却受到了直接损失,因此在遇到这种问题之后,首先一定要和客户方取得沟通,联系之后针对性的解决问题,例如上述案例之中,客户回函提到“We shall bear all the expenses caused by the overstocking of goods at the port. We hope that you will pay all the money after the portundefineds payment notice, and we will make the corresponding payment into your account thereafter.“客户方由于自身原因无法及时提货,但在沟通之后,客户方告诉发货外贸企业会承担这笔费用开支,因此对于双方利益而言都不会造成任何影响。在这一过程中需要注意,收到港口方的交款通知后,各项费用支付一定要留存备份,并发给客户方公司,以此作为凭证。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/19138


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