
北美落地 DE '祝' 你更进一步

Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

country has its own culture and unique customs that come with
it.Understanding the social etiquette of the country before visiting can
helpto make the experience less overwhelming.

In China, you might be surprised to find
that burping is considered a way of complimenting the chef or that a gift will
be refused several times before it is accepted.

Here are 13 customs to know before
traveling to China.

1.Chopsticks are neverplaced
upright in a rice bowl.

Never leavechopsticks upright in a rice
bowl. This is reminiscent of a ritual
that's made as an offering to the dead.

Chopsticks should also never be
usedin your hands when making a gesture.

2.Burping is considered a sign of

In China, burping is seen as a sign of satisfaction with
the meal and is considered a compliment to the chef, so don't be surprised if
it happens at the dinner table.

3.Teacups are

This tradition is known as tea
tapping. Hosts will regularly ensure that teacups don’t go empty and when they
refill the cups, the person whose cup is filled will tap the table in response to show

4. A gift will be refused a number of times
before it is accepted.

Don’t be offended if you offer
a gift and itis refused, as it is customary in China to refuse the first offer. Sometimes, the
etiquette is to refuse the gift three times, though it may not always take this
many tries.

general, the expectation is that a gift is politely refused at
first, even if it is desired, and will eventually be accepted after a few

5.Spitting loudly in public is common.

It's not surprising to see people spitting in public in China. Attempts are
being made to try and lessen the practice, but it isn'tconsidered rude to
spit while walking on the street or around others—even on public transportation
and sometimes indoors.

6.Police will sometimes use geese instead
of guard dogs.

In places like China’s Xinjiang province, domesticated geese are used by
law enforcement. According to Chinese authorities, they have strong vision, they’re loud, and they can be
aggressive, which is why they’re used in place of guard dogs.

7.Pointing can be considered rude.

In some areas
surrounding Tibet, Jiuzhaiguo and places with a Tibetan population, pointing can be seen as
a rude gesture.

of using your fingers to point at a person or object, the customary gesture is to use your full hand with your
palm facing up and your fingers flat.

8. Compliments shouldn't
beaccepted graciously.

While it might seem strange to refuse
a compliment, it is common to refuse compliments in China since
accepting a compliment from the beginning can be seen as a sign of vanity.

9. Tipping can be seen asoffensive.

While tipping might be
common in restaurants in most cities, it is generally unnecessary in China and can even be considered impolite. Tips are
typically only given when doing tour-related activities or at hotels.

10. You may be asked to
take photos with locals.

Sometimes, Chinese groups or families may ask to pose for a photo with you, especially in public places.
Often, the group will reciprocate by asking if you’d like to take a picture
with them.

11. Split
pants are often used instead of diapers.

pants are often used
in China in place of diapers, allowing children to use the restroom when need

12. Full-face masks are sometimes worn to the

Having a pale complexion has been desired in
Chinese culture for years, but the face-kini is a
relatively new trend spanning some of the country’s beaches.

Created in 2004, the face-kini—a face mask
that protects the
2015-09-28 729阅读
red impolite or disrespectful in China. This is because many people believe that spitting can help get rid of phlegm or other things that might cause illness. However, it is becoming less common in more urbanized areas of China as people become more aware of the health risks associated with spitting in public. Nonethless, visitors may find it shocking or unpleasant.

6.Using the number four is considered bad luck.

The number four in Chinese sounds similar to the word for death, so it is considered unlucky. Avoid giving gifts in sets of four, or using four as a lucky number or in addresses, as this may be seen as a sign of disrespect or bad luck.

7.The color white is associated with death.

In China, white is worn at funerals and is associated with mourning and death. Therefore, it is best to avoid giving white gifts or using white as a primary color scheme for celebratory events.

8.Knock on the table instead of clapping.

Instead of clapping, it is traditional to knock on the table with your knuckles to show appreciation for a good performance or speech.

9.Understand the significant of red envelopes.

Red envelopes (hongbao) are often given as gifts during holidays or special occasions, and usually contain money. It is customary to give hongbao to children, unmarried young adults, and elders as a sign of respect and good fortune.

10.Bring gifts when visiting someone's home.

Visitors to a Chinese home bring a gift, such as fruit or tea, as a way of showing respect and gratitude for the host.

11.Avoid touching someone's head.

In China, it is considered rude to touch someone's head, especially if the person is older than you. It is also considered disrespectful to pat someone on the back, as this is seen as a sign of superiority.

12.The proper way to use a business card.

When exchanging business cards, it is customary to present the card with both hands, and to read the card before putting it away in a respectful manner.

13.Avoid discussing sensitive topics.

Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as politics, religion, and human rights, as these can be considered controversial and may offend others. It is best to keep the conversation light and respectful.
  • Linda.Chen
  • Jason.Yang
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