Get in touch with our team directly. Code Category A Raw hide/skin to tanned B Raw hide/skin to crust C Raw hide/skin to finished leather D Tanned hide/skin to finished leather E Crust hide/skin to finished leather F Tanned hide/skin to crust leather G Raw hide/skin to pickled/pre-tanned material

In 2021 we released a new version of the LWG audit standard (P7), bringing major changes to how we assess leather manufacturers, and representing a significant step forward to a more sustainable and secure leather supply chain. The audit has evolved to be a holistic, ESG-focused audit, and it now covers all elements of responsible leather manufacturing including environmental management, traceability, chemical management, social responsibility, and governance. 

The LWG Leather Manufacturer Audit Standard covers 17 separate sections:

General Facility DetailsSubcontracted OperationsSocial AuditOperating PermitsProduction DataIncoming Material TraceabilityOutgoing Material TraceabilityEnvironment Management Systems (EMS)Restricted Substances, Compliance, and Chromium VI (CrVI) Management
Energy ConsumptionWater UsageAir & Noise EmissionsWaste ManagementEffluent TreatmentHealth, Safety, & Emergency PreparednessChemical ManagementOperations Management

Audit Scope

The LWG Leather Manufacturer Audit Standard was designed to assess facilities processing leather from raw, crust, tanned material into pre-tanned, tanned, crust, or finished leather.

Facilities carrying out operations within the scope of the categories listed in the table below may be eligible for an audit using this audit standard.

Not sure if you are eligilble? Get in touch with our team directly.

ARaw hide/skin to tanned
BRaw hide/skin to crust
CRaw hide/skin to finished leather
DTanned hide/skin to finished leather
ECrust hide/skin to finished leather
FTanned hide/skin to crust leather
GRaw hide/skin to pickled/pre-tanned material

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