
    The Product Assessment Review is a 3-step process:

    1. Data Entry & Derivations:

    Suppliers come to our secure platform to disclose information about a product. Based on the product's recommended use and formulation information, our proprietary algorithm – composed of thousands of complex rules – compares document data and pictograms provided in the SDS to the additional product data entered as part of the registration process. The results are then screened against the most up-to-date regional and global regulations to produce the results needed by the retailer to properly handle, transport, and dispose of chemical-containing products. This is the stage in the process where data integrity is established and/or inconsistencies are discovered.

    2. Regulatory Review & Assessment

    Once the automation has derived results, those results move to our Hazard Review Assessment team. The Hazard Assessment team is made aware of any discrepancies that were identified in the automation phase of the process for further investigation. Since federal, state, provincial, and local regulations are always changing, human review acts as an additional quality control point essential for verifying data accuracy. When the hazard review completes their work, there are 3 possible outcomes:

    I. Sent to Retailer – After the Assessment stage is complete, products with a status indicating “sent to retailer” within your product management dashboard means that we found no inconsistencies in the review process and the derived results were shared with the retailer(s) you specified in the process as recipients of your data.

    II. Accepted by Retailer – Once a retail partner accepts the report containing your derived results, the status will change to “Accepted by retailer”.

    III. Needs Attention – If an inconsistency is discovered, the product is put on hold and the supplier is alerted by listing their product’s status as “Needs Attention” in the WERCSmart product management dashboard. The supplier is then able to remedy any issues by resubmitting the registration after the necessary adjustments are made. Results are not reported to retail partners until consistent data is assessed.


    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/129898


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