    既然倒签提单这种情况具有一定的风险,外贸企业该如何达成生意往来的同时规避此种问题呢?Mr. Liu Chang:Previously, our communication with your company was very smooth. Although. there were some disputes about the price of the product, we finally solved the. problem in a satisfactory way. The two companies also reached a consensus on the. 很显然,倒签提单就能解决问题。



    Mr. Liu Chang:

    Previously, our communication with your company was very smooth. Although there were some disputes about the price of the product, we finally solved the problem in a satisfactory way. The two companies also reached a consensus on the related expenses in the transportation of the product. At present, the only problem is that we hoped to ship the product in time by this product. You said that because of the production with us. During the price negotiation, two other European companies signed a contract with your company, so the order of delivery has changed. We do not want to delay the shipment. We hope you can solve the problem reasonably.



    可以看到该公司的核心要求在于“We do not wish this to happen. We hope you can solve the problem reasonably.”外贸销售方企业既希望能够达成这笔合同,又不希望因为这种情况而对其他的用户造成影响,这种情况下该怎么做呢?很显然,倒签提单就能解决问题。



    As for your transport requirements, we are sorry to be unable to comply with them. As other customers have arranged the delivery time, there will be some delay in your delivery time. If you want to get the products at the time previously negotiated, we suggest that the other party can change the shipping mode to air transport mode. Although the price of the products you bought is higher, the other party can change the shipping mode to air transport mode. However, the weight of the product is small, so the cost related to air transportation increases by only one third or so. In this respect, we can share with the other side the additional cost mainly due to air transportation of the product.



    上述案例中的解决问题方式就很灵活,但是需要注意,并不是所有外贸企业都能够采用此种方式,为什么呢?“It is suggested that the other party may change the mode of sea transportation to air transportation. Although the price of the goods you purchased is higher, the weight of the products is smaller.”原因就在于产品的重量并不相同,外贸企业销售产品不同,应对此种问题时应该根据自身实际情况选择合理应对方案,这样效果才能够更为理想。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/24775


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