    Mr. Liam:Previously, we went down to the deep pool with you. The other company asked. for a 3% discount on each item when purchasing this product. Since the amount of. the product you purchased did not reach the promotional discount price we. offered, and 5 million products were purchased at the bottom line, we did not. consensus on this point. In order to promote the sales of products in Nordic


    Mr. Liam:

    Previously, we went down to the deep pool with you. The other company asked for a 3% discount on each item when purchasing this product. Since the amount of the product you purchased did not reach the promotional discount price we offered, and 5 million products were purchased at the bottom line, we did not reach a consensus on this point in the previous negotiations. In other respects, you and I have no problems. In order to be able to do so, we have to reach a consensus on this point. In order to promote the sales of products in Nordic market, our company will offer the following price after the board's decision. The combination of oak bathroom cabinets ordered by the other side is 1500 yuan per set, the combination of modern simple style Li Shi bathroom cabinets is 1780 yuan per set, and the light and luxurious intelligent Nordic white steel bathroom cabinet is beautiful. One thousand three hundred and fifty yuan modern simple floor composite cabinet 830 yuan each set, PVC material American cabinet 760 yuan each set. This is the best price our company can offer. The discount rate is only 0.7% lower than what you need. If you are satisfied with this price, please reply to us immediately and cooperate with your company. If the price is still unsatisfactory, I'm afraid our business can't be reached. We hope that you can give us an immediate reply and we can arrange the production of our products.



    如上案例中就有很多不妥,虽然在产品报价时没有出现问题,但是后期出现的问题很多。首先是“This is the best price our company can offer, which is only 0.7% lower than the concession you require. If you are satisfied with this price, please reply to us immediately.”这已经将此后的可回旋余地一律堵死,实际上在产品销售价格无法获得更多收益的状态之下,企业完全可以从其他方面找回利润,例如产品销售时,产品的运输费用以及装船费用相关都由对方公司承担,保险费用等都由对方公司承担,如果在交易达成中能够将这一类型费用支出推出,由对方承担,即使在产品销售时降低一些利润获得也不是不可能的,两相对比,企业依然能够在这笔交易往来中获得回报,如果直接将所有的回旋余地全部堵死,一旦对方对于这样的让利举措不满,自然无法达成合作关系,也就无法销售产品了。“We will cooperate with your company. If the other side is still not satisfied with the price, I am afraid our business can not be reached. We hope that the other side will give us an immediate reply and we can arrange the production of the products.”也有问题,在这篇信函结尾处的问题更为明显,这家外贸企业是以命令式的形式和对方进行沟通的,也许前期阶段因为双方沟通时花费时间太长,引起产品销售方工作人员失去耐心,认为在和该用户沟通过程中花费时间过多,后期沟通如果无法达成一致,即使放弃这一潜在用户也没有什么可惜,因此才造成遣词造句出现问题,如果是因为这种原因,尚可弥补,只要尽量平复心情即可,如果该外贸工作人员本身并没有意识到这样的沟通模式有问题,不论是对以上案例中的用户,还是对其他用户都采用这样的沟通模式,这种做法极为不妥,会对双方企业后期交易达成造成严重负面影响,在双方交易过程中一定要尽量关注好自身所在的立场,切记沟通时没有摆正自身位置,这对于后期投资造成的影响几乎不和补救,一旦出现这种状况,双方企业能够达成贸易往来的可能性将降低。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/25767


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