本篇文章就来了解有关今年宰牲节情况,和宰牲节的独特宗教文化和意义。伊斯兰历12月9日,被称为阿拉法特日,又称朝觐日。传统上,伊斯兰教规定:凡是有条件的穆斯林男女, 一生必须去沙特阿拉伯麦加城内的“克尔白”朝觐一次 ,对于没条件的人每年教历的十二月十号宰牲节在本地区的清真寺集体礼拜,拜后宰牲。

伊斯兰教最重要的节日之一Eid al-Adha宰牲节临近,今年沙特恢复了自2020年因新冠肺炎疫情而中断的朝觐活动,上百万各地区穆斯林正在计划前往沙特阿拉伯麦加进行朝觐之旅,各国也在大力进口牛羊骆驼,用于庆祝宰牲节,可谓是不动则已,动则雷霆万钧。


As Eid al-Adha, one of Islam's most important festivals, approaches, millions of Muslims from all regions are planning their hajj trips to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as Saudi Arabia resumes the hajj this year, which has been suspended since 2020 due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Countries are also importing cattle, sheep and camels for Eid al-Adha celebrations. Preparations for the festival are in full swing.

In this article, learn more about this year's Eid al-Adha and its unique religious culture and significance.




Eid al-Adha dates and holiday schedule 2023

宰牲节是在伊斯兰农历的最后一个月( Dhu al-Hijjah)的第10天,而伊斯兰历法12月份是依据新月决定的,所以每年都不一样。

Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the last month of the Islamic calendar (Dhu al-Hijjah), while the month of December in the Islamic calendar is determined by the new moon, so it varies from year to year.









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The Islamic festival is marked in the 12th and last month of the Hijri calendar — Dhul Hijjah. Currently, we are in the 11th month — Dhul Qaidah. Today (June 1) is Dhul Qaidah 12.

Muslims look for the crescent Moon on the 29th of each month.

Dhul Qaidah 29 is on June 18. If spotted on the night, Dhul Hijjah starts on June 19 and the break is from June 27. This translates into a six-day break.

If the Moon is not spotted on June 18, Dhul Hijjah starts on June 20 and the break is from June 28. This results in a five-day weekend.

In short, you will come to know whether it’s a five- or six-day weekend on Dhul Qaidah 29.

(Based on information published by Saudi Arabia and UAE countries)


朝觐文化/The Hajj Culture




Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia which Muslims must carry out as one of the five pillars of Islam at least once in their lifetime - provided they are physically and financially capable of making the journey, and of supporting their family while they’re away.

Like Eid, the date of Hajj is also determined by Islamic calendar. Each year, the events of Hajj take place in a ten-day period, starting on 1st and ending on 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, coinciding with Eid.

The 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, known as Day of Arafah, is called the day of Hajj.




而整个朝觐之程,是朝圣者追随先知易卜拉欣及其家人的足迹。从着装到行程,按照严格准则包括绕行天房(克尔白)、行走Safa & Marwa、米纳帐篷之夜、阿拉法特山布道、返回米纳石头仪式等3-5天的朝觐。



Eid al-Adha is known to commemorate the Qur'anic story of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)'s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to God.

And the entire journey of Hajj is a time when pilgrims follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family. From the dress code to the itinerary, following strict guidelines includes 3-5 days of Hajj including the circumambulation of the House of Heaven (Kerbai), walking Safa & Marwa, the Night of the Tent at Mina, the Sermon on Mount Arafat and the return to the Stone Ceremony at Mina.


沙特麦加克尔白神殿的Ka'bah 也被称为“黑石”,穆斯林认为它是由先知易卜拉欣和他的儿子伊斯梅尔在近4000年前建造起来的,被认为是伊斯兰教最神圣的地方。

The Ka'bah, also known as the 'Black Stone', is believed by Muslims to have been built by the Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail nearly 4,000 years ago and is considered the holiest place in Islam.


据沙特当地媒体报道,今年,朝觐预计将于6月26日开始。今年沙特宗教当局部署创纪录的 14,000 名工作人员和数千名志愿者,应对参加朝圣的数百万信徒。

This year, the Hajj is expected to begin on 26 June, according to local Saudi media. This year the Saudi religious authorities are deploying a record 14,000 staff and thousands of volunteers to cope with the millions of worshippers attending the pilgrimage.





Celebrating Eid al-Adha



Another part of Eid al-Adha is food. As another way of commemorating Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice Ismail, families will sacrifice a ritually acceptable animal, like a cow, goat, sheep, or camel. The family then consumes a portion of the meat from the slaughtered animal, giving the rest to the poor and needy, demonstrating another Pillar of Islam—zakat.

Charity is also a big part of the holiday and it is customary to donate a significant sum of money to charity, to be used to help the poor purchase new clothes and food, so they too may join in on the celebrations.



据阿联酋在线旅行社gi.rf=w_okg称,即将到来的宰牲节假期期间对团体旅游和度假套餐的需求增长了 47%。与去年的宰牲节相比,它飙升了 35%。

Similar to Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha is a time when Muslims wear new clothes, exchange gifts, and enjoy feasts with family and friends. Muslims also wish one another a happy Eid al-Adha with greetings.For the vast majority of Muslim countries, the Eid al-Adha holiday is a rare mini-holiday, so people also tailor their trips abroad.

The demand for group tours and holiday packages during the upcoming Eid Al-Adha holidays has risen by 47% compared to the Eid-Al-Fitr break, according to gi.rf=w_okg, a leading online travel agency in the UAE.It has surged by 35% compared to last year's Eid-Al-Adha. 


Foreign trade enterprises need to plan their logistics arrangements


During Eid al-Adha various business units in many Muslim countries will reduce their working hours and work efficiency will be reduced, including customs, ports, freight forwarders, warehouses and other units. All foreign trade enterprises and sellers friends, now grasp according to their own cargo volume and various e-commerce platforms to hit the time, planning a good delivery plan.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/132478


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