


    Mr. Faisal Ibn:

    Your company knows about our products and related quotations. Your company hopes to get preferential price. We will adjust the price of the products you need again and decide to sell them to you after the resolution of the board of directors. New European style tea table carpets cost 850 yuan a piece, Nordic luxury postmodern bronze statues cost 1300 yuan a piece, large relief incense candles cost 420 yuan a yellow piece. Crystal Chinese pendulum 75 yuan a European fashion metal deer head creative pendulum 350 yuan a European ceramic vase 85 yuan a piece. Nordic kitchen antiskid carpets cost 76 yuan a piece.

    This quotation is the lowest quotation of our company. I hope you can understand the problem of additional production costs in the industry in recent years and the high cost of manpower expenditure compared with the current production costs two years ago. Therefore, the price of this product is the lowest in the industry and there is no possibility of further fluctuation.

    As you mentioned earlier, all transportation costs should be borne by us in the course of product transportation. I hope you will understand that, as your product price has been lowered to the lowest level, we will be responsible for product-related insurance costs and other expenses after shipment of products to Dalian Port. I hope you will be able to bear them on your own. 。

    In your letter, you also mentioned the issue of exchange. We support the exchange in theory from the point of view of product marketing for users, but we hope that you will understand our practice if all the costs incurred in the process of product return are borne by your company.

    If your company is of no significance to the above-mentioned problems, we can contact you by return letter in accordance with your previous request. We will ship the products to Dalian Port before March 18. You can sign and receive the products after March 25. In terms of payment methods, we hope you will pay by L/C. We do not accept installment payment and deferred payment.







    从这篇信函中可以看到,该信函撰写充分关注到了言简意赅,例如“In your letter, you also mentioned the issue of exchange. We support the exchange in theory from the point of view of product marketing for users, but we hope that you will understand our practice if all the costs incurred in the process”此外还有post-modern,并没有使用post-modernism; 而是采用了post-modernity这一类型的表述方式,这样的例子在信函中很多,torate; board of directors; board of trustees是如此,operating cost; expense of production也是如此。可以看到在这篇信函往来之中充分关注到了和沙特阿拉伯客户怎么样进行沟融问题,词汇使用多采用最简单、最方便理解的语句,并没有使用任何晦涩难懂的词汇,沟通过程之中也充分考虑到了对方的需求,并且将该公司产品运输流程以及相关费用承担等问题都进行了简单的说明,能够让对方企业了解该外贸公司在业务往来中所关注的重点问题,这能够有效促进后期双方达成贸易往来的可能性,在和沙特阿拉伯用户进行信函沟通过程中,如上这些问题是基础所在,只有关注好基础的状态之下,在细节方面进行调整所具有的沟通效果才能更为理想。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/21377


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