    Mr. Elijah:The price of the black rubber plastic net that the supplier needs to buy is. 这家公司处理斯里兰卡客人多要样品这一问题时就很得当,回函中提到了一个非常重要的解决模式“Your company will pay money to


    Mr. Elijah:

    The price of the black rubber plastic net that the supplier needs to buy is 13.5 yuan per square metre, the quality of micro-materials, the price of the protective net is 23.5 yuan per square metre. There is no discount space in the price. Guifang mentioned the need to send samples. The products included in the product shopping list given by you totaled 13 categories, each product. Samples need to be mailed, 10 square meters. There is no objection to such samples being mailed to us.

    However, it should be noted that the cost of mailing these samples will be borne by your company. In addition, you have to pay money to our account according to the price of the existing products. After the purchase of the products by your company, the purchase cost of these samples will be directly converted into your later products, which will be directly deducted from the purchase cost. If there are no other problems, your company will complete the payment in the near future. Our meeting will ship the goods by air. If you can complete the payment before July 14, we will arrange the air transportation from July 16 to July 18. You will receive the samples around 26.




    这家公司处理斯里兰卡客人多要样品这一问题时就很得当,回函中提到了一个非常重要的解决模式“Your company will pay money to our account according to the price of the existing products. After you purchase the products in the later stage, the purchase cost of these samples will be directly converted into your later products, which will be directly deducted from the purchase cost. Therefore, the mailing of these products is still free.”



    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/28097


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