
我们是焊机的,客户来源主要是国内外的展会。 我们的邮件系统里面可以管理客户,客户都是展会分配的,刚始都会入系统,但是如果你的客户一定时间没有就会跳出去,也就客户公共池,这意味着别的业务就可以抓取跟进了。 几个月前遇到了一个荷兰的客户,之前其他业务跟进过, 可能我运气好,被我勾引上了。 刚始我也发了几封发信,但是都没有回复。 后来他给我连发了3封同样的邮件, 内容如下.. It seems that communication with your company is very difficult. I asked already 3 times not to send further E-mails to my private Family-E-mail address. My company E-mail address is know by you : ****@***** I got today 3 E-mails on my private address ????????????????????????????? If your products are so bad as the communication with your company ??? 可以看的出来对方有多生气了吧? 那天确实是网络延迟,点了几次就发过好几封了,于是我解释了一番,Terribly sorry for *****, 都词穷了! 从他的邮件签名我加了他的Skype, 但是偶尔见他上线, 就稀里哗啦聊过几句而已... 过了大概两个多星期,于是我发了邮件过去: Dear****, How are you? can we make a converstion when you are free? Bset regards 过几天他回我了: We can , but I am not interested for another supplier for welding machines. One reason is you he no digital controlled machine. Antcase we he our suppliers and no need for more or change. Best Regards 后来的一天见他上线了,我就主动找他聊, 后来他说我们之间没有什么好探讨的,Sorry I am going to remove you from my Skype friendlist. 好吧!你要掉我也没有法.... 过了大概l两个月的时间,偶尔翻以前的邮件,发现了跟他的记录, 于是我又发了一封发信,说我们出了新产品, 这次价格确实很有优势: 主题New Arc Welding machine/The quality you need, the price you want Dear ****, It's Steven from*****, thanks for your time reading my email. Our factory offers a wide range of welding equipment from MMA, MIG, TIG to Plasma Cutters. We just released a new arc welding machine, I think it can find a good markrt in your country. Excellent quality and low price(usd 55 only) will help push the sales of your products, we he on hand many inquires from others, you're not supposed to miss it. For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best Regard, 好吧! 第二天他就回复我了,说看中我们的产品设计, 但是他需要别的两款机器,要我给他价格.. 我其实很想叫他再加我的Skype, 但是我怕他会内疚(毕竟当初太太鲁莽了... ) 昨天他回邮件了说: Your price for the A is about the same as other but for the B your price is Rathet higher ; I he other quotations with prices of USD 140 (A) and USD 250 (B) This or next week I will make my decision. Best Regards 看的出来他就是老板,真正抉择的人! 我给他的价格: A款: $150/pcs,? ? B款: $310/pcs, 而他说的价格是A: $140,??B:$250 明摆着他是拿那个价格压我们,不管他是否真有别的报价。 元旦来了,他说很快就要决定了! 我们经理也说了B款价格不了, 而且我们的MOQ 30pcs, 他两款一起才60pcs. 大家都看到这里了,现在问题我该怎么应付他啊?????????? 他那B款价格确实有点低了,不了!
2013-12-24 759阅读
I'm sorry to hear about the difficult experience you had with this client. It sounds like they were very frustrated with the communication between your company and them. It's important to make sure that communication is clear and efficient to avoid misunderstandings and frustrations.

It's great to hear that you were able to overcome this initial hurdle and continue to reach out to the client. Persistence and a willingness to follow up can often lead to success, even if the initial response is negative.

When it comes to pricing, it's important to make sure that you are competitive with other suppliers in the market. Offering a good quality product at a fair price can help to attract and retain customers.

Overall, it's important to stay professional and courteous with all clients, even if they are difficult or unhappy. Keeping lines of communication open and addressing any concerns or issues promptly can help to build trust and loyalty with clients.
  • huakai
  • Vera5
    他之前有不错的商 。 现在好不容易定你的东西 , 只要不赔钱就给他!  质量上一定要让他满意 那以后返单的机会会更大!
  • 王建2
  • 胡小姐
    既然是看中产品设计,那么必须突出你们的优势。说说多出来的价钱值在哪? 你们工业产品不同快速消费品吧? 工业产品再次购周期比较长,可能下完一次订单,要等一两年才下第二次,所以如果没利润的客户,还是可以放一下,没必要纠缠太多.....纯个人意见
  • Vera5
    楼主  贵在坚持。
  • Shallu.Bhugra