    首先我们来看一下肯尼亚当局官方规定:“The Kenya Bureau of Standards began to implement the Pre-Export. Standard Compliance Verification Scheme on September 29, 2005. Therefore,testing.”也就是说外贸方企业在承担了这7.5%的罚金之后,此后产品检测以及保证金的费用支出是单算的,同样占据此次交易中总额的15%,本身这一类型的费用应由进口方承担,

    不同国家因经济原因以及政治原因等对于外贸出口、海外购入产品海关清关需求等都有本质区别,和欧美国家海关要求不同,肯尼亚要求的细节方面和欧美等国家有本质区别,如果外贸企业以肯尼亚为产品出口国,一定要关注好该国家的进出口政策规定,肯尼亚出口要注意事项中coc是重点,其他方面出现问题依然有补救的可能性,如果产品对外出口时没有关注到coc, 此后几乎没有任何补救可能,交易中外贸出口方资金必然受损。


    “The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) began to implement the Pre-Export Standard Compliance Verification Scheme (PVOC) on September 29, 2005. Therefore, PVOC has been adopted since 2005 as a pre-shipment verification method. Products in the PVOC catalogue must obtain a certificate of conformity (COC) before shipment. COC certificate is the abbreviation of Certificate of Conformity in English. It is the name of certificate issued for qualified goods after the implementation of the PVOC procedure. It is Kenya's mandatory customs clearance document. Without this certificate, goods will be refused entry after arrival at the Kenyan port.”



    Mr. Zhang Yue:

    We are very sorry that we didn't focus on the COC problem in our previous communication with your company, but we are very satisfied with the batch of decoration material products you sold. On the basis of previous orders, we will add up the quantity of products purchased again, totaling 5.3 million yuan. As there is no COC document, the products you arranged for shipment are in Kenya. We can't unload the goods, so we hope that we can complete the inspection work through kebs in this transaction, but in this process, our company will have additional cost expenditure, so in this type of cost expenditure, we hope to be able to bear half by your company, that is, 7.5% of the total value of the goods in this transaction. We hope that you can pay and sell them in this transaction. The product price is 7.5% discount, related testing fees, etc.



    从如上信函中可以发现,该公司似乎很有诚意,各退一步,产品销售方企业承担kebs 7.5%罚金,而这笔费用将由产品购入总价值中做出,似乎这样的做法很得当,似乎双方各让一步能够达成这一交易,但在这其中有一个概念是混淆的,即“ We hope that you will be able to pay and offer a 7.5% discount on the price of the products sold in this transaction. In addition, we hope that your company can bear the cost of product-related testing.”产品购入方企业这是在玩文字游戏,如上书写方式中所表达的是在此次交易之中会有7.5%的罚金由销售方企业承担,另外一半的罚金则由产品购方企业承担,而在这其中也包括检测费用,但实际上并非如此,一旦双方签订合同,这对于外贸产品销售方式非常不利的,通过对该国家的相关法规了解可知,“The goods are inspected at the port of arrival, but the importer will bear the penalty of 15% CIF value, 15% margin and the cost of inspection and testing.”


    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/25776


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