

Mr. Sebas:

We are very sorry that you have not received the mail yet. You asked why we still haven't received the samples so far. Is it too late for us to send the samples? Here we can tell you that the samples we sent were completed before the designated time of your company, and two days earlier, on June 18. No. 2 is about to send the products by mail. The express company chosen is DHL. As you haven't received the products, we learned after inquiry that the products have been in the process of customs clearance, so you haven't received the samples. We will contact the Indonesian DHL immediately to complete the specific work. The other party will receive the samples in the near future.



这样的回复方式显然不正确,为什么说这样的回复方式不正确呢?“We will contact DHL of Indonesia immediately to complete the work. The other party will receive the samples in the near future.”这就是原因所在,虽然该公司样品邮寄时选择了国际上知名度较高的DHL,但是DHL快递公司和其他的一些快递公司一样,通常情况下是不负责清关的,因此用户的产品邮寄到印尼,因为海关问题无法完成清关而导致用户无法拿到产品,即使给DHL打电话也无济于事,当地的海关必然是将这一类型的产品当成了来自于中国的贸易产品,并没有将其作为邮寄的个人物品对待,基于此种情况,这家外贸企业选择上述这种方式解决问题显然不妥当,即使用户企业等待两天时间也依然无法获得样品,所以说这样的解决方式不妥,由于对方在规定时间内没有获得样品,而在获得解决问题回复之后,依然无法获得样品,必然会对该外贸企业有负面看法,后期阶段能够达成外贸贸易往来关系的概率将会降低。

Mr. Sebas:

We are very sorry that you have not received the mail yet. You asked why we still haven't received the samples so far. Is it too late for us to send the samples? Here we can tell you that the samples we sent were completed before the designated time of your company, and two days earlier, on June 18. No. 2 is about to mail out the products. The reason why Huifang didn't receive the samples is probably due to the customs relationship. The samples we sent by the customs are not personal goods, but foreign trade products. Under this condition, it is impossible to clear the customs. Because the express company is not responsible for this type of work, so Gui is not responsible for this type of work. Fangcai has not received the samples for a long time. I hope you can look for a customs clearance company locally. We feel that this type of problem will be the responsibility of the related expenses.




原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/31271


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