    在这一流程环节之中,之所以一些工作人员会感觉到头痛,是因为其所涉及的信用证类别太多。例如Back to Back L/C、Standby


    在这一流程环节之中,之所以一些工作人员会感觉到头痛,是因为其所涉及的信用证类别太多。例如Back to Back L/C、Standby credit、Reciprocal L/C、Revolving L/C等等。相关工作人员虽然需要对这些内容都有所掌握,但并不是说在工作的初期阶段就要全部掌握这些,可以在工作过程中循序渐进的逐步了解,初期阶段只需要关注到自己所在的贸易公司在主流业务往来中所收取的信用证类别就可以了,而在此后的信函来往之中,也可以完全套用这一类主流信用证的模式,确保在工作流程中不出现偏差。

    Mr. Mohan Khan ETA

    We are glad to receive your reply that we are ready for your order of tassels, garment accessories, lighting crystal balls and traditional carved silk. After you have processed the L/C, we can deliver the goods. If you can complete it by October 30, we will arrange for the shipment on November 3.

    As there is no direct import and export trade between your country and our country, we hope that you will open a back-to-back letter of credit in the use of this letter of credit. The Bank of China designated by you will notify the Bank of Morgan to open a new letter of credit on the basis of the original letter of credit so as to conclude this transaction.




    上述回函中所涉及的重点是“As there is no direct import and export trade between your country and our country, we hope you will open a back-to-back letter of credit in the use of this letter of credit.”在信用证业务的流程中这是非常关键的一个步骤,首先我们来解析一下在这笔贸易中的特点,在这笔对外贸易中由于销售方国家和购买方国家并没有直接进出口贸易往来的合作关系,因此无法直接进行相关贸易往来,只有通过第三方来完成,国际上是这样解释的“Also known as the transfer of letters of credit, refers to the beneficiary's request that the original notice bank or other banks to open a new letter of credit on the basis of the original letter of credit, the contents of which are similar to the issuing bank can only be opened under an irrevocable letter of credit. The opening of a letter of credit against the back of the broker usually resale other people's goods, or two countries can not directly deal with import and export trade, through a third party in this way to communicate trade. The amount (unit price) of the original L/C shall be higher than that of the counterpart L/C, and the shipment date of the counterpart L/C shall be earlier than that stipulated in the original L/C.”

    正是基于此种原因,在上述案例中的回盘函中销售方才对信用证的类别进行了明确,实际上这不仅仅是个例,在国际商贸往来过程中很多生意都是两个国家无法直接完成的,必须由第三方来完成,因此都会使用到相应的信用证。例如Back to Back L/C,在其他一些环境下也是如此,例如Revolving L/C,多数情况下大型涉外企业都会采用该种类型的信用证,这能够给其带来诸多便捷,而对于交易方而言,这也是一个可靠的保证,使用此种类型的信用证其金额会在前一次交易使用之后即刻恢复原金额,因此具有着重复使用的特点,其在循环使用过程中达到总金额才会被停止使用,多数大型涉外企业在相关外贸往来过程中不会是单笔交易而是多笔交易,因此在分批多次交易状况之下使用这样的信用证能够减少中间环节,有效促进工作进度,对于交易方而言也会得到可靠的保障。例如美国知名的外贸公司米尔斯、美国加州国际贸易有限公司等就在使用这种信用证,核心为When a certain amount of money is exhausted, the original amount can be automatically restored without waiting for the notice of the issuing bank. 从如上介绍中可以看到,根据实际交易情况的不同所选择的信用证类别是存在较大差距的,但由于多数公司所从事的交易都是固定某一领域中的交易,销售地区也具有着特定性,所以通常情况下在多数交易往来中使用信用证的类别是不会有本质变化的。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/17594


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