    遇到这种情况之后,一定要有技巧的道歉,引起用户的不满或者是抵触心理的,很有可能导致此次交易失败,甚至会导致外贸企业失去长期稳定客源,因此对于这一类型的道歉内容撰写一定不能马虎。Mr. ZuckerbergHello, the 1500 summer clothes you ordered in our company were originally



    Mr. Zuckerberg

    Hello, the 1500 summer clothes you ordered in our company were originally planned to be finished on May 12 and shipped to your company before May 16. However, due to some equipment problems in the second workshop of our company, the previous order could not be completed. The fastest delivery time will also be postponed to about May 16, so upload time will also be postponed. I hope you will understand our problems.





    Mr. Hamilton:

    I am very sorry to inform you that the previous agreement signed between our company and your company clearly indicated that the upload time of this product was May 13. However, due to the errors in our artificial order arrangement, it was impossible to ship the product in accordance with the previous agreement. We hope to have in-depth communication with your company. After the understanding reached by your board of directors, we will still be able to do so. In order to complete this transaction, we will try our best to ship all our products to Dalian Port before May 16, and then ship them to your designated place.

    This mistake is entirely caused by our company, so in order to compensate for the loss of your company in this transaction, we will give you a discount for ordering your products at 2% of the total price of the products. In addition, all additional charges in the sales process of this product are borne by our company. The product is transported to the corresponding port and to the designated place of your company. The transportation cost of this part of the product is from Our company is responsible for the maritime road transport industry. Our company will also pay the insurance fees in this transaction.




    从上述道歉中可以看到,该外贸销售企业有足够诚意,重点提到了,“This part of the product transportation cost is borne by our company from the maritime road transport sector. Our company will also pay the insurance cost in this transaction.”诚挚的道歉之后就立刻谈到了实际问题,,丝毫没有顾左右而言,直接点题如何才能够弥补产品购入方企业的损失,这样的做法以坦诚相见为主,是非常重要的,这样的道歉方式,产品购入方企业往往都会欣然接受,即使无法接受产皮延期,取消这次交易,但这一类型用户依然会是企业的忠诚用户。转投其他产品品牌的可能性很低,这也正是外贸企业在行业中能够长期持续发展下去的关键所在。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/24460


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