

Mr. Bruce:

We are very sorry to inform you that due to the delay of the cargo ship, we are unable to deliver this batch of products at the time agreed with the other party. We are not willing to see the delay of delivery, but it is due to various external factors. We are very sorry that we are unable to deliver the goods at the agreed time. Please forgive me. In the course of business development, our company will focus on how to allocate the delivery time of goods, so as to avoid any impact on your company in this respect. We apologize again.




Mr. Calvin:

First of all, I'd like to apologize to your company. Before that, we and the other party agreed that the delivery time is January 25, but due to our scheduled shipping company adjustment. There is a problem with the shipment time of the products, which leads to serious scheduling error. Therefore, the products cannot be delivered in time in this transaction. The problem of late delivery will affect your company, and we do not want this situation. However, due to the problem of communication company, the delivery is difficult to be completed on time even if we take other measures. We apologize to you for this problem. Our board of directors has discussed this issue and proposed the following results. After that, we will conduct business with the other company. Liu Guifang can understand that we are very grateful to Liu Guifang for paying special attention to the new trend of the communication and transportation company and conducting business negotiation with more than two shipping companies at the same time, so as to avoid the failure to transport goods in time in case of emergency. If you have any other questions, you can call us and give satisfactory answers.




原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/33192


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