    例如在和中东客户进行信函往来中时:Mr. Hackemu has previously negotiated with you detailed product features and. prices, and you approve of the performance of the electronic consumables that we. sell. The price has also been granted a 5% discount on the basis of your wish,and in the course of your communication, you have again requested that this. shipment be delivered directly to the Guizan port you mentioned, and it is very. land and sea transportation will be borne by us in the course of the sale of. this product, and that product insurance shall be borne by you and will be



    Mr. Hackemu has previously negotiated with you detailed product features and prices, and you approve of the performance of the electronic consumables that we sell. The price has also been granted a 5% discount on the basis of your wish, and in the course of your communication, you have again requested that this shipment be delivered directly to the Guizan port you mentioned, and it is very difficult for us to achieve such a request. We have previously promised that land and sea transportation will be borne by us in the course of the sale of this product, and that product insurance shall be borne by you and will be shipped to your Persian Gulf port after the product has been shipped. This is also the most direct and economical shipping route in Shanghai at present. If you continue to use the port we have previously identified, you will be free of charge. If you have to modify the shipping route, We canundefinedt afford the full cost of the sea transportation. We can bear 45% of the shipping expenses, and the remaining costs will be on your own. You have mentioned that you would like to take our new category 25 samples in the course of the shipment, as the electronic consumables we produce are relatively expensive. And the number of free samples you have requested has reached as many as 40 items per type. We are not financially able to follow such a reporting model. Therefore, for the 25 new electronic consumables you need, we are not in a position to follow this model of reporting in financial terms, so for the 25 new electronic consumables you need, We will give you a commitment of two samples for each category, and if you have no meaning to these, we can communicate more deeply about the next step.




    这家外贸公司的基本沟通模式是没有问题的,但是有一个重点没有关注到,“We have previously promised that land and sea transportation will be borne by us in the course of the sale of this product, and that product insurance shall be borne by you and will be shipped to your Persian Gulf port after the product has been shipped. This is also the most direct and economical shipping route in Shanghai at present. If you continue to use the port we have previously identified, you will be free of charge. If you have to modify the shipping route, We canundefinedt afford the full cost of the sea transportation. We can bear 45% of the shipping expenses, and the remaining costs will be on your own.”这样的说辞容易造成阿拉伯用户反感,如果修改成“We have previously promised that land and sea transportation will be borne by us in the course of the sale of this product, and that product insurance shall be borne by you and will be shipped to your Persian Gulf port after the product has been shipped. This is the first time in recent years that our company has made an exception in transporting the goods to the Arab region free of charge. Before setting a price for a route to complete the examination and approval procedure, if we have agreed to do so, we will be able to deliver the goods free of charge, if you must modify the shipping route. We canundefinedt afford the full cost of the sea transportation. We can bear 45% of the shipping expenses, and the remaining costs will be on your own.”则更容易让阿拉伯用户接受,虽然信函中修改的内容不是很多,但是这样的内容更符合阿拉伯用户的生意观,因此能够促成业务达成,如果按照此前的沟通方式,必然会导致阿拉伯用户抵触情绪,这种状态下想要达成贸易合作关系,自然是非常困难的事情,对于用户来说,这种问题是一定要关注的,只有如此才能够在业务往来中有更好效果呈现,当然,实际沟通中所需要注意的问题是多方面的,不仅是上文中我们提到的这些内容。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/24936


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