    Subcontractors identified as higher risk through a CUC risk assessment shall be subject to on-site verification or desk audits. Subcontractors identified as low risk through a CUC risk assessment may be exempt from on-site verification or desk audits. 经 CUC 风险评估认定风险较高的分包商应接受现场验证或书面审核。经 CUC 风险评估认定为低风险的分包 商可免于现场验证或书面审核。

    CUC may grant exemptions from the annual On-Site Audit cycle for Traders (with or without physical possession) identified as low risk. In this case, a desk audit may be conducted to replace the on-site verification or may exempt from the Certification obligation; provided they are only involved in Post-Production activities with verified products.

    对于被认定为低风险的贸易商(无论是否拥有实物所有权),在年度审核中,CUC 可选择不对其进行现场验 证。在这种情况下,如果他们只参与认证产品的生产后活动,可以进行书面审核以取代现场验证或免除认 证义务。

    The organization shall have control and responsibility for the integrity of the verified claimed product being subcontracted. 组织应确认并对外包的认证产品完整性负责。

    Subcontractors identified as higher risk through a CUC risk assessment shall be subject to on-site verification or desk audits. Subcontractors identified as low risk through a CUC risk assessment may be exempt from on-site verification or desk audits.

    经 CUC 风险评估认定风险较高的分包商应接受现场验证或书面审核。经 CUC 风险评估认定为低风险的分包 商可免于现场验证或书面审核。

    If for one or more activities the risk is considered as “High”, a physical inspection of all high risk subcontractors included in the scope shall be carried out.


    Risk types 风险类型

    The organization is outsourcing a wide range of production related activities

    The organization is outsourcing to a subcontractor or a number of subcontractors on a regular basis

    Subcontractor(s) grade or sort the material during outsourced processing

    Subcontractor(s) label the product during outsourced processing Subcontractor(s) do not physically return the verified product following outsourced processing The organization is outsourcing processing across national borders

    该组织正在外包一系列与生产相关的活动 该组织定期外包给一个分包商或多个分包商

    分包商在外包过程中对物料进行评级或分类 分包商未在外包处理后实际退回已审核的产品


    Subcontractors shall not further subcontract their activities to a separately owned entity.


    The CB may carry out unannounced On-Site Audit visits. The visits shall cover in particular those units or situations where there may be specific risk of confusion or exchange of verified claimed products with other products. No more than 48 hours’ notice may be given in advance on an unannounced On-Site Audit.

    CB 可以进行未经通知的现场验证。有些场地和流程中,认证产品可能会有与其他产品混淆或交换的风险, 审核应特别包括这些场地及流程。对未经通知的现场验证,通知时间不得早于 48 小时。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/123952


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