Us URN registration means that your product is in compliance with the laws and regulations of the state in which it is sold. In addition, it is legally sold in the registered state, which can also be understood as a traceability code, so that consumers can clearly know the material, size and origin of this product 3. Who is usually registered?RN registration is available only to U.S. companies or factories. Generally used for commercial display of products, exhibitors need this registration number If there is a legal registration need, you can directly send me a private message, or contact us directly

First, what products need to register the URN code in the United States?

Generally with filling products, such as: sofa, cushion, cushion, U-shaped pillow and other products,

Second, why should I register an American URN code?

Us URN registration means that your product is in compliance with the laws and regulations of the state in which it is sold. In addition, it is legally sold in the registered state, which can also be understood as a traceability code, so that consumers can clearly know the material, size and origin of this product

3. Who is usually registered?

Generally, it is registered by the factory, and of course, trading companies can also be registered.

Fourth, if not registered on the sale of goods will have what impact

First, the U.S. Consumer Federation will check whether the product is registered. Whether a registration number has been obtained

If you do not obtain a registration number and sell the goods, you can face a strict penalty of more than $500 or six months in prison

The goods will also be destroyed

5. Is this registration for the state of sale or the warehouse at the port of destination?

This registration is registered according to the state of sale, and has nothing to do with the destination port of shipment. The destination port will not involve this registration. Even if the goods are not registered, they can be declared and shipped normally, but they cannot be sold

6. Can my registration number be used by more than one person?

This is OK, because this registration number can be provided to N buyers for use. Unless the registration is a joint registration, then this registration can only be used one-on-one and cannot be provided to other buyers for use

7. How can I check my registration number

General registration will be completed with a registration document, which has the registered manufacturer information, as well as the registration number, which can be verified by email or phone on the registration document

8. How can I verify that the registration number is real

When you get the registration number, you will also get a registration document, and the registration document can be queried, whether the registration is complete, in which state it is registered, and also can be queried, what is the product category of the registration

9, I do not have a registration number, can I use someone else's registration number to change my information?

This cannot be modified, and all the registration information of others does not belong to you, so it is illegal to do so. And will also face, the purchaser directly contacted others to take the goods directly.

10. Why do other people have RN numbers on their cloth labels?

RN registration is available only to U.S. companies or factories. Generally used for commercial display of products, exhibitors need this registration number

If there is a legal registration need, you can directly send me a private message, or contact us directly

原文来自邦阅网 ( -



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