    一些外贸企业工作人员和巴基斯坦客户接触较少,因此在发盘函撰写中依然按照欧美用户习惯撰写,这种状态下出现问题的可能性是非常高的,例如:Mr. Abbas:It's a great honor for your company to keep an eye on our products. You



    Mr. Abbas:

    It's a great honor for your company to keep an eye on our products. You have known about our products in the exhibition before, but our products on display in the exhibition are only a small part. In order to enable you to have a deeper understanding of our products, we now send our products and quotations to you. You.

    Stainless steel double-deck insulation bucket 176 yuan, champagne bucket 95 yuan, European Dish Set tableware 460 yuan, gas stove oil cushion 25 yuan, 304 stainless steel fruit anvil 70 yuan, kitchen simple baking equipment 45 yuan, 304 stainless steel frying pan 127 yuan, high-quality steel leachate rack 240 yuan, European high-grade water cup 245 yuan, pedal kitchen garbage bucket 24 yuan a. One.

    As mentioned above, the various categories of products are also described in detail in the annex. Each category of products has more than 10 styles of appearance, but there is no difference in sales price. For example, if you can purchase our products, you can get the following two kinds of preferential policies for new users in March-May:

    When the total price of purchased products reaches more than 1 million yuan, we will give you a 2% discount. When you first purchased the products, the expenses related to land transportation and sea-land transportation of the batch products will be borne by our company. Your company only needs to receive the goods at the port of receipt at the corresponding time. It is important to note that this preferential measure is made between March and May, and the transportation and other related costs of the corresponding products in subsequent transactions will be borne by you.






    如果仅仅是在书写格式以及在相关说明方面可以看到,这篇信函中归中举,如果是发给欧美用户没有任何问题,不过以巴基斯坦用户为营销目标时,这种做法显然不妥,在这篇信函中存在两个问题,首先是“As mentioned above, the various categories of products are also described in detail in the annex. Each category of products has more than 10 styles of appearance, but there is no difference in sales price.” 欧美用户在交易达成之前较为粗放,会关注到一项一项细则逐条完成,也就是说在信函往来过程中需要花费较多的时间,后期沟通尤为重要,但是巴基斯坦用户则并非如此,这一类型用户对前期沟通是非常在意的,因此对于产品报价以及样式介绍是极为关注的,所以在信函往来中涉及到产品价格以及样式等问题时一定要详细进行描述。

    第二个问题在于“For the first time you have purchased the products, the expenses related to land transportation and sea-land transportation of the batch products are borne by our company. You only need to receive the goods at the port of receipt at the corresponding time.” 巴基斯坦商户通常情况下对于价格都非常敏感,产品运输过程中的相关费用是这一类型用户非常在意的问题,如果还没有达成相关贸易往来关系,沟通中尽量规避这一类型问题,这篇信函中明确标注只有在第一次交易过程中该企业才负责产品运输过程中的相关费用,而在此后的交易中,这一类型费用要由用户自行来承担,这会导致用户心理有抵触情绪,因此达成交易的可能性将降低,所以在信函之中只要提到交易中支持产品运输即可,后期的产品运输费用等相关问题则应在此后交易中另行提出。

    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/21302


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