



    Seller : Dear ***,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : Well, the price sounds mush higher than those we received from others. 
    Seller : But you must take quality into consideration. Our shirts are of superior quality. 
    Buyer : We’ve taken this into consideration, but the price is still too high. You know the number we set is not small, you must give us a discount. 
    Seller : Let me see . How about 135 per dozen?


    Seller : Dear ***,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : Well, the price sounds mush higher than those we received from others. 
    Seller : But you must take quality into consideration. Our shirts are of superior quality. 
    Buyer : We’ve taken this into consideration, but the price is still too high. You know the number we set is not small, you must give us a discount. 

    Seller : Let me see . How about 135 per dozen?

    Seller : Dear **,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : The price is too high, and out of the scope we can receive .Would you give us a discount of 10% off ?

    Seller : Dear **,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : The price is too high, and out of the scope we can receive .Would you give us 
    a discount of 10% off ?

    Seller : Dear ***,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : The price is too high, and out of the scope we can receive. 
    Seller : But you must take quality into consideration. Our shirts are of superior quality. 
    Buyer : We’ve taken, but the price is still too high. You must give us a discount. 
    Seller : Can you tell me what price you want? 
    Buyer : 10% discount.

    Seller : Dear ***,we have calculated the CIF New York price is dollar 15000 for 100 dozens of skirts. 
    Buyer : The price is too high, and out of the scope we can receive. 
    Seller : But you must take quality into consideration. Our shirts are of superior quality. 
    Buyer : We’ve taken, but the price is still too high. You must give us a discount. 
    Seller : Can you tell me what price you want? 

    Buyer : 10% discount.

    对话1 、对话2、对话3分半展示了纯讨价,纯还价,讨价未果后还价的过程,在对话1中,买家几乎没有付出任何代价,就获得了对方10%的折扣。从对话2和对话3可以看出,过早的还价可能会限zhi买家的收益,或者即使没有限zhi,旦会增加后面谈判的难度,毕竟经过讨价后的起点为90%,而直接还价的起点是100%。


    原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/2670


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