
第一类询盘: 客户只给出图片,只有很少的产品描述,描述并不详细,此时如果完全没法报价则发一封邮件问问客户要详细资料。 


 第一,客户只是看上图片上的那款,希望获得报价,咱们可以给客户提供产品图      片的报价,并且注明咱们报价的产品的详细规格,比如尺寸等等;

第二,客户是想获得与之类似的产品图片的信息,此时咱们也可以给客户提供与之类似的图片并附上价格和参数。这两步不要做一次性发,因为你发给客户第一封邮件客户不一定回复你,所以第二点可以用做追信之用。 红字部分的模板: Dear +人名,(附上客户提供的图片) Regarding your inquiry on + 产品名,Could you please tell me more details about that? Such as the material, the size....(其他您需要知道的也可以写上). Then i can quote for you! Regards, ** (联系信息) 

第一点的模板: Dear **, (附上客户提供的图片)   Regarding your inquiry on + 产品名, The FOB(或者其他贸易术语也可以)price is USD**, here are the details about that,(价格后可以附上MOQ,但是不建议写太高,报出最有优势的价格,但是MOQ又不会太高,是比较有竞争力的) Material Size (这些都是具体产品的参数) Any questions about the price or products,please feel free to contact me. Regards, ** (联系信息) 

第二点的模板: Dear +人名, (附上咱们提供的图片) Regarding your inquiry on + 产品名, there are some details i need to know, i send you email before,but didn't get the reply,, here attached some of our products for your consideration. The price....(价格写清楚,注意贸易术语,价格后可以附上MOQ,但是不建议写太高,报出最有优势的价格) Material Size (这些都是具体产品的参数) Any questions about the price or products,please feel free to contact me. Regards, ** (联系信息) 

第二大类询盘: 客户将产品资料都已经写的很清楚,说明客户的针对性强,此时可以直接报价,并注明MOQ。 

第三大类询盘: 求购库存的,这种就直接将咱们现有的图片或者带上价格一并发给他就行。Dear ** We can supply the stock garments your are looking for. Here attached some of our pictures and price for your consideration. If you have your own design or other requirement,please let me know! Any questions, please let me know, thanks! Regards, ** 联系信息 Dear **, (附上客户提供的图片)   Regarding your inquiry on office chair, The FOB(或者其他贸易术语也可以)price is USD**, here are the details about that,(价格后可以附上MOQ,但是不建议写太高,报出最有优势的价格,但是MOQ又不会太高,是比较有竞争力的) Material: Size (这些都是具体产品的参数) Any questions about the price or products,please feel free to contact me. Regards, ** (联系信息)

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/1472


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